
Erin Bagwell
Dream, Girl Director

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How to Crush Your Kickstarter Campaign (blog post): Erin raised $104K in 30 days to fund Dream, Girl. This is her how-to guide to help you set up and execute the marketing and sales of your crowdfunding campaign.

A Gal’s Guide to Making a Movie (21-part blog series): From ideation, to creating a budget, to hiring a team, to finalizing the storyline of the film, to walking the red carpet at our premiere this is the behind the scenes story of Dream, Girl.

Creative Money (e-book): Our team sold over 240+ screening events worldwide for Dream, Girl. In this 70 page e-book Erin walks you through the tips, tricks, mistakes, and tools to sell your story and bring your artistic venture into the world.

Dream, Girl (60 min YouTube video): watch the documentary showcasing the stories of inspiring and ambitious female entrepreneurs for free on YouTube now.