My A-ha Moment


Oprah calls it your A-ha moment- when you feel a spark or a call that sends a chill through your body that you can’t deny.

In January 2014 I quit my job and was ready. Ready for something big.

The year before I endured sexual harassment at my 9 to 5. I was a shell of myself and completely emotionally depleted.

But I knew that when the New Year came through I was going to change my life.

I couldn’t be that girl any longer.

So I waited, and made space, and did the things that scared me.

I focused deeply on the things that brought me joy- my sisterhood, learning more about feminism, and working on my blog.

Then one morning, a lot like this one, I felt it.

The idea, the chill, and the calling that would change my life. It said, “Make a movie.”

Make it about the women you admire who’ve inspired you to be better.

Make it about the women who fight everyday for this world to be a better place to live in.

Make it for the young women who one day might walk your path and need help, inspiration, and guidance.

Make it for yourself, for your voice again. She is still in there.

Thinking about my A-ha moment. I still get chills.

As we embark on the 72 hour countdown to release the film I can’t help but feel totally leveled by gratitude to you for allowing me to make this film, be on this journey, and to find myself again.

This film has given me the courage to go places I never would’ve otherwise visited, use my voice to speak up and share what I believe in, push boundaries to explore what’s possible, and most importantly, be and feel myself in a way I’ve never experienced.

So for that I just wanted to say thank you <<First Name>>- For your support, love, kind words, messages to my team, and for being a part of this journey with us.

Wednesday is just around the corner.

Who’s ready?





Erin Bagwell